Benefits of Fasting

detox text on round blue plate

I’ve been fascinated with fasting since I came across the documentary, The Science of Fasting then researched how good it was for your body.

5 Great Benefits of Fasting

1. Resets Your Metabolism

This is probably the quickest benefit that will take place in your body after a few hours of fasting. Fasting uses up the glucose in your body and when that is depleted, it switches the food source to the most effective energy source, the fat cells. Our own fat cells have been known to be a better energy source than food!

2. Resets Your Immune System

The longer you can fast, the more benefits you’ll receive. Dr. Berg’s video, 72 Hour Fasting Benefits on the Immune System, explains exactly how fasting benefits the immune system. Your body will start trying to stave energy after several hours of fasting and start killing off old or damaged immune cells. After day 3 of fasting, your body will start making new white blood cells.

3. Detox

Fasting is a great way to clean out your liver and digestive system. Our bodies have not evolved enough to take on the job of digesting three or more meals a day. Giving our digestive systems a break is actually very healthy and allows our body to focus energy on apoptosis – cleaning out old, damaged, or mutated cells before they become diseases like cancer.

4. Disease Prevention

Reduces inflammatory disorders.

Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease.

Fasting can slow the progression of tumors because it starves the cancer of it’s food, sugar. Dr. Berg’s video, The MOST Important Cancer Prevention, explains how and why fasting is a good way to prevent cancer.

5. Heals Brain Function

Even though your brain needs large amounts of glucose, clearing the toxic, simple sugars from the brain is a good thing. Fasting for 3 days or more will also stimulate stem cell and growth hormone production which can regrow brain cells aiding and preventing Alzheimers, increasing focus, and improving overall brain function.

If you decide you’d like to try fasting, be sure to do your research on fasting safely.

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