Fasting Safety

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Fasting

I’ve been fasting on and off since 2018 when I watched the documentary, The Science of Fasting then researched how good it was for you. It is not something that’s easy to do, but in my opinion, worth it! Here’s a few do’s and don’ts to remember when fasting.


  1. Try cutting out sugar and simple carbs a week before your fast – this will make fasting easier and you will go into ketosis quickly
  2. Drink lots of water – put a pinch of salt in your water to keep your body full of electrolytes. You can switch it up with herbal teas but absolutely NO sweetener.
  3. Take vitamins and minerals – some vitamins, if they are fruit and vegetable pill based will break your fast.
  4. Use fasting to heal
  5. Break your fast with healthy, high nutrient foods. Since your gut biome is now cleaned out, the first thing you put back in is what you will crave.


  1. Use fasting for quick weight loss – most of what you lose will be water weight. You will gain the weight right back when you are done fasting.
  2. Fast for too long – pay attention to your body and if you really don’t feel good, eat.
  3. Start slow and try intermittent fasting first to ease your body into it.
  4. Then try fasting for a full 24 hours and see how you feel. If you can go on, do so! If you need to eat, eat.

For great videos on fasting, check out Dr. Berg’s videos on Youtube. That is a resource I used constantly when fasting or planning my fasts.

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