How Do I Start Fasting?

composition of utensils and tableware on wooden table

So, your ready to feel good, to have energy, and to jumpstart your metabolism. But how do you start fasting and do it safely?

I highly recommend starting with intermittent fasting. It is the easiest way to start fasting because you can eat an early dinner, around 4pm and then go to bed early, which is good for you as well, then don’t eat again until 10am. That will be an 18 hour fast.

Watch Videos

The more you educate yourself before you begin, the better prepared you will be to have a successful fast. Watch Dr. Berg’s video on Youtube about intermittent fasting for beginners. He has amazing videos on fasting.

Another video I keep handy when I fast is one that tells you all the benefits of fasting at each interval: 12 hours, 18 hours, 24 hours and so on. This way when I feel like quitting, I watch the video and see what benefits my body is going through and how many more hours until the next set of benefits kick in. That gives me enough will power to continue on. This is my favorite video to accomplish that.

Emotional Eating

If you’re anything like me, most of my bad eating habits stem from emotional eating. I admit it. I’m an emotional eater. I eat when I’m bored. I eat when I’m stressed. I eat when I’m upset, and I don’t reach for the good stuff. I found if I write down why I want a certain food when I’m having a craving and dig deeper to find what emotion I’m having and what comfort it is satisfying, I can fix it. Find out how to do this in more detail in this article ‘Curbing Emotional Eating.’

Building Stamina

If you start slow, maybe trying the 12 hour fast first, then the next fast you try, go 18 hours and so on, you will find that you will be able to go longer each fast. Your body will know what’s going on and that it’s time to fast and heal. You will be surprised how long you will be able to fast for each time.

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