I Will Never Get a Biopsy Again

patient practicing acupuncture in alternative medicine clinic

While I was waiting for the biopsy results, I decided to watch more videos on new cancer breakthroughs. I came across Dr. Berg’s interview with Professor Thomas Seyfried who specifically states, with great passion, that the doctors are putting women at unnecessary risk of spreading the cancer when they break into that tumor and perform a biopsy. 

I should have listened to my screaming voice in my head when it told me to not do the biopsy, but I didn’t have time to research it and find other ways to detect cancer. It makes me wonder if they do this on purpose, rush you through, scare you into doing things you probably shouldn’t do. I will be doing more research on finding other ways to determine if a tumor is malignant or benign instead of puncturing it and putting my body at risk of spreading it.

I must have had to go through this so I can help others and spread the word that there are other ways to detect cancer and not put yourself at risk by letting them biopsy your lump!

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